Monday 30 August 2010

Missional Renaissance chapter 3


Missional shift 1 Internal to external focus
This is a tectonic shift
It involves changing our understanding of what the church is as well as what it does! From church centric to kingdom focused
The church has ocupied centre stage but now we need to think Kingdom1
It isn't about how much activity we can generate
we are no longer to be church centric "for god so loved the world"as we engage with the world so we find Jesus whose home is on The streets -he is out there already!we can bring the gospel to people where they are!
From destination to connector The church is not the destination it is a connector the destination is life- life in all it's fullness
We are to link people to the kingdom life God has for them!
From thinking we are the point to being absolutely the point! The role of the church is to bless the World"in doing this we reveal Gods heart for the world see genesis 12 We don't need an evangelism strategy but a blessing strategy To practice the blessing life you will need to believe God not just believe on god Abraham didn't just believe God he believed in God
From attractional to incarnational

Now we produce services ministries programes etc Our scorecard is attendance,participation,reflected in income But we need to find a way of being church where people are
How can we tell people Jesus is there for them if we aren't willing to be there for them? What can we do?
1, Tell stories of how god is at work outside the church
2Commission people as missionaries to blocks of flats ,shops ,workplaces,school classrooms.
3 From member culture to missionary culture Church is not a separate culture recruiting people from other domains sucking salt out of the community no the church is God's people deployed throughout society. We are to be missionary priests 5
5From worship services to service as worship
We could use 1 Sunday a month As service to the community The focus of the worship in missional church is to celebrate the work of god in life of the community From congregations to missional communities Up in out It's not so Much about changing the church as about changing the world

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