Friday 2 September 2011

Geoffrey Grogan -servant of God

I heard  today that Geoffrey Grogan had died.

Unlike John Stott , who died earlier in the summer Geoffrey, was not a household name in the wider evangelical world in the way Stott is ,but I would contend that ,like John ,he was a great man in Kingdom terms.
 Many thousands(including me)are thankful for his long and very fruitful ministry

Geoff was  a lecturer at London Bible college and then for many years the principal of (what was then known as) the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow.

A most gifted  scholar with a passion for studying the bible, Geoff Grogan wrote many commentaries on books of both the Old and  New Testament,.and on systematic theology ,the subject he lectured on when I was at BTI. The books

Like all the best teachers Geoffrey had the ability to make some very complex  ideas accessible to much  less gifted people than he was.

A very capable preacher,Geoff  encouraged his students never to forget the central place of the local church in the economy of God.

It was not Geoffrey Grogan's  considerable gifts that made him great but his Christian  character ,he was a big man with a wonderful sense of humour and a giant heart for human beings,who he recognised as being made in the image of God Himself.

A very humble man , full of  so much of God's grace, as well as His  truth ,Geoff was devoted to his family and  also prayed regularly for the hundreds of students he taught over the years and who went onto serve the Lord in so many different places and situations

Reading a very brief account of his last hours in an e mail from his son it appears that, like the early Methodists, Geoffrey died well ,and with a certain faith in Jesus Christ

I am confident Geoff has heard the Saviour he loved and served so long and so well say "Well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of The Lord"

There are other tributes  tribute here cutting it staright and here Honouring Geoffrey Grogan


  1. I had the enormous privelege of studying Old Testament under Geoff at the Scottish Baptist College. His wide-ranging grasp of the field, his enthusiasm and gentleness, and his obvious desire to see each of the students do well will live long in my memory.

  2. I think you are right
    And in a few words have captured the essence of Geoff Thank you radical believer
