Monday, 13 June 2011

Welcoming all

Some of you will know why I was particularly moved by this press here
If Jesus can preach while the roof above him is being torn down ,to let a man on a stretcher  get to him, so his sins  may be forgiven ,perhaps  we should learn to do the same!

on the comments section I saw this link to another post which was so powerful I have added it to this post!
Press here!


  1. Of course we should! It's about LOVE after all. And, although my own church, being "evangelical C of E" has faults, having its share of "worthy parishoners" who sit on commitees and have a pretty scary to anyone suggesting radical changes and challenges, I can honestly say that there is also a lot of love and acceptance. A family who bring their profoundly disabled boy to our 10:30am service have always been welcome; he is quite simply one of our "church family."

  2. Oh WOW that article brought tears to my eyes. A fellow minister and I are off to the Autism Show on the 24th June at ExCeL, London to learn more about Autism etc and how, we, can minister to children who will be coming to the unit at the new school.

  3. Thanks Pauline,yes you are right love and acceptance are key Christian qualities

    Judy, delighted you are going to be ministering to these children they are so important and they can teach us so much.I know many families with autistic children the very last thing they need is rejection

  4. WOW again!!! what a powerful story. I did a post last month about my friend's son and it is with her that I am attending the show.

  5. That's a great post Judy
    I had a nephew with Aspergers (sadly he died in a car crash a few years ago) He was a lovely guy and I have a picture of him drawn by his mum (my sister ) as I write this
    The description on your post is so accurate.
    Thanks for sharing
    One of the bible truths I love is that we are made in the image of God and it is that (not our abilities or disabilities) that makes us so special and loved by God- If only we could learn to love each other

  6. Oh Charles how sad. My friend is discovering that the school her son (6yrs) attends really cannot cope with his condition and infact kinda labeled him as 'difficult'. So she is changing schools for him, now that she knows that he has AS, to a school that has strutures built in for children like him.

  7. Interesting to scroll through your posts and glad to see your new building taking shape as I know your heart is for the community as is mine/ours.

    Like Bonhoeffer too. Thought the wedding sermon was excellent too.

    If you have the time you might like 'My Story' which you can find on sidebar under 'labels'.
    23 chapters mind but it is full of the absolute faithfulness of God.

  8. Meant to add "" with many faith walks throughout""

  9. welcome Barbara I will certainly look at that
    Enjoyed your photos of London!
