Monday 18 June 2012

Fathers Day brunch

Over the last few years we have done a whole series of  different meals
These are occasions when we invite people from the local community to join us and to eat with us
Mostly we do these on a Friday night but a couple of times a year we do them on Sunday mornings.
The great thing is that our neighbours come and so over time we have got to know some of them pretty well and really enjoyed their company
Yesterday was Fathers day so we had a brunch with bacon rolls and other good food as well as coffee and tea. We also encouraged some of the guys to bring along their favourite boys toys and for some reason ended up with a lot of toy helicopters!
We took the opportunity to show some  material from CVM   see here about being a father and then retold the story of the Prodigal Son.It is not for me to say "a  great time was had by all" but people certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves.
In our regular Sunday morning series we have been thinking about " A meal with Jesus" (which I highly recommend).In the book  Tim Chester talks frequently about the importance of meals and hospitality and it is great to see this in action.
However we are now thinking of ways to encourage this on an individual, as well as a church wide basis .
I suppose as with most things it needs to start with us leaders


  1. Brilliant - glad it went so well. Yes, someone else also recommended that book so I suppose I shall now have to purchase it :)) Judyx

    1. It is a great book Judith well worth reading

