Saturday, 2 February 2013

Gay Marriage -some UK Baptist viewpoints

With the debate on gay marriage coming to parliament very soon I thought it may be helpful to link to some of the the most interesting articles I have read on the subject from a Baptist perspective
As in most denominations there has been a great variety of views and opinions expressed among Baptists, although it is encouraging that the debate on this really important issue appears to me at least to have been conducted with a great deal of courtesy and mutual respect -This is not always the case when Christians disagree!
I suppose the contribution that made the most impact came from Steve Chalke and so I will start with his contribution which you can read here and the thoughtful responses to it from Steve Holmes that you can read here and Malcolm Duncan here
More recently David Kerrigan the General Director of BMS world mission has joined the debate and in a post asks us to think about religious freedom and its limits here the comments below his blog post are also well worth reading! Stephen Keyworth from BUGB comments here and Andy Goodliffe suggestd some helpful reading on the issue here

Nigel Wright from Spurgeons College suggest a way out of the dilemna many ministers feel here

Not from a Baptist stable but my friend Martin Charlesworth comments on this issue In his excellent blog here