Friday, 22 June 2012

Startling but encouraging news

Must say after many years of reading about decline, reading about some growth in some areas is very encouraging news read here


  1. interesting and another book to add to the list :)) Nigel (hubby) has pastors every week asking for space to hold their church services. Nigel already has three other churches using his church on a Sunday. This is very common in Barking & Dagenham.

  2. Thanks Judith, sounds exciting ! There are real signs of encouragement here too but the picture in London appears even more so


  3. Very interesting article, Charles! I notice that "Fresh Expressions" is mentioned as a new Anglican initiative. Our church took that on board and out of it came "St'A's 4 All" ((Pronounced Stars for all!) which is a sort of text -speak version of "St Aidan's for All!!!" This is held in a local Primary school, for children of all ages, and involves them in craft and drama and all sorts of activities- refreshments- and then worship and a story with Paul Cain, who is truly gifted with a ministry for the youngsters. This has brough many young families into our church, including a Chinese family who are totally committed.
