Cartoon by Matt Glover says it all!
One of the genuine blessings of a sabbatical is time. Time to think ,to pray ,to plan , to talk, and yes to worship
Most mornings I put some Stuart Townend or Tim Hughes on the mp3 player and contemplate God as I listen to powerful words ,Today I was greatly helped by this from Tim Hughes for example;
It all begins with worship but as Mark Labberton says "Worship turns out to be the dangerous act waking up to God and to the purposes of God in the world ,and then living lives that actually show it."
Labberton's point is that if worship doesn't make us disciples, it probably is not true worship. So as Alan and Debra Hirsch point out in "untamed" worship is not just about singing ,or praying or liturgy it involves loving our neighbour ,seeking justice,evangelism and the renewal of true community (see Hebrews 13v15)
Helpfully, Debra and Alan suggest 4 practices that help us reflect on the nature of worship and whether we are worshippers
1Submit yourself to a regular inventory of idolatry ,what is it that stops God having first place in our heart ? What is it that stops Jesus being Lord?
2 Worship beyond singing ! Offer your whole world back to God
3 A life of learning read CS Lewis , Yancey and other writers who nourish the soul
4 Act your way into a new way of thinking Risk being led by God's Spirit into new things- This could be a great adventure !
We may think we have no time but one lesson I am learning is that if I am really going to be a disciple I must make quality time for these things or I will be ineffective as a disciple and church leader.
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